Abdominal imaging GUT
Abdominal radiograph of a fifty year diabetic old lady suffering with fever showing abnormal air lucency in the left illiac fossa concerning for emphysematous pyelonephritis- a CT scan confirmed diagnosis patient managed conservatively with percutaneous drainage catheter and antibiotics
renal emphysema is fulminant suppurative infection characterised by formation of gas . invariably affects diabetic patient and is fatal if not recognised. 75% of times the offending microbe is Escherichia coli.
Huang and Tseng classified CT findings into following 4 classes for prognostic implication
class 1. gas in collecting system only
class 2: gas in renal parenchyma with out extension to extrarenal space
class 3A : extension of gas or abscess to the perinephric space
class 3B : extension of gas or abscess to the paranephric space
class 4 : bilateral EPN or solitary kidney EPN
Wan et al. classified EPN into two types
Type 1 EPN is acutely more fulminant, and shows a streaky or mottled gas pattern and no adjacent fluid collections. Type 2 EPN has a lower mortality rate shows a bubbly gas pattern in the renoureteral unit and fluid either in the kidney or surrounding the kidney mortality rate is high for type I 68% when compared to type II 18% more information from radiographics article in 2008 pyelonephritis - radiologic and pathologic review and also form AJR article in 2010 194 S70-72